image of an impression

image of an impression

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Labor Day Soon Approaching

With Labor Day fast approaching I wonder how this year has gone by so fast! What a short but great summer!
Just a few short months to the new year and I will soon be starting a new phase in my life as a wife to be!
Life has been good, just trying to work on personal goals and making plans for the wedding. Also trying to decide if I will be able to have our 4th Annual Charity Car Show this year! So many decisions but yet so little time.
This week is going to be so busy, but I'm excited for a fresh new start. I love the work week b/c I can go to the gym before the rush and start my mornings off with a fresh start. I'm also working on thinking and being more positive and having the spirit guide me more in my life!
I'm ready for a new season, so bring it on! :)